About Us

We are a group of believers, seekers and doubters who have decided to love and follow Jesus the best we can.  We all don’t think, act or even believe the same. We choose not to focus on the things that divide us but rather, the things that unite us.  Here is what we strive to agree on:

Our Beliefs

We are “Good News” Christians; in church lingo that means “Evangelical Christians.” We believe that God is in a good mood and brings Good News though Jesus Christ. Our beliefs have foundations in the Apostles' Creed (c. A.D. 215) and the core principles of the Protestant Reformation (A.D. 1517), namely the ultimate and essential authority of the Scriptures for Christian faith and practice, salvation by faith alone, the priesthood of all believers and the power of the Holy Spirit. We believe in the trinity; that God is the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe that Jesus was born of a virgin, died on the cross, that He was physically raised from the dead, ascended to heaven and will someday return. We also believe that an individual's personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior determines an individual's eternal destination of heaven or hell.   

When Jesus said, "Come, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest… (Matt 11:28-30) the plea was for everyone to come, no exceptions.  Our hearts desire is not to change you but instead to do our best to be REAL.  To be RELEVANT and to walk with each other in RELATIONSHIP so that together we might find ourselves being more like Jesus every day.

What to expect when you visit

You can expect a very kind and inviting atmosphere. No “dress clothes”, no problem! We are casual. You come as you are. Even Jesus wore sandals to church. We have coffee, a full live band with a nice mix of music to worship by and a safe nursery for the little ones. Most of all you'll find sincere, genuine people who really care and who are willing to pray with you and encourage you through life’s journeys.

Location & Times

Springfield, IL

  • Address: 1425 N 6th St., Springfield, IL 62702

  • Sunday morning service @ 10:00am

  • Sunday morning prayer @ 9:00am


  • We have multiple options for parking. Our main lot is just down to the right from us. A shuttle is available to bring you from the parking lot to the main entrance.

  • Handicap parking is available in our main lot. However if you need wheelchair access, we have additional parking spots located in the drive before our first sign.

  • On-Street parking is also available around the entire campus. To honor our neighbors, please avoid blocking driveways and check the no parking signs to be in compliance with city traffic enforcement.

Our Vision

Summed up in only 4 words: LIVECONNECTGROWGO.

  • LIVE = “I came that you may have abundant life.” - Jesus

  • CONNECT = “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends.” -Jesus

  • GROW = “Learn from me.” – Jesus

  • GO = "Go into all the world and preach the gospel.” - Jesus

Your Invitation:

If you have read this far you might be considering giving us a try. We know you may have some past hurts or wounds from previous “church experiences” and we want you to know – that we have too. However, here at Destiny we try really hard to walk in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness and all the fruit of the Spirit every day of our lives. So please come give us a try this Sunday and let’s do life together. – The Pastoral Team.